What is this site is all about ? |
To provide information and resources for those interested in or are doing business in Thailand in the `Aerospace' and related industries.
This is a non-profit site and is sponsored entirely by PGG & Associates at the moment (a private group of Thai & International business and academic professionals who want to encourage interest and productive participation in Thailand's economic recovery.)
We want to assist International Companies and individuals who are attempting to make `new market entry', or who are reassessing their business exposure, to do so in a more informed, sensitive and successful way. We hope that the information in this site will assist in furthering that goal.
Section 2 - What's inside ? |
Basic Facts about Thailand. |
Thailand's International Trade - Overview. |
Thai Government Organisation. |
Thailand's Aerospace Industry. |
Aerospace Industry Useful Links. |
Doing Business in Thailand. |
Thai Defence Organisations. |
Defence Industry Overview. |
Senior Defence and Military Staff Directories (as of Oct 2001) |
Defence Industry Useful Links. |
Section 3 - Up-Dates & Contributions. |
While we attempt to keep this site up to date, it is authored purely on a voluntary basis. If you would like to comment or add any information please contact us directly by E-mail at editor@siamaerospace.com. We are happy to give you `the credit' or let you remain happily incognito. (The Editor does reserve the right to vet all contributions.)
This site was set up initially by a research grant and the ongoing sponsorship of `PGG & Associates'. The Editors are planning to expand the capabilities and functionality of the site in the New Year (2003) to include more extensive industry coverage and more in-depth reporting on `Aerospace' and related Industries.
If you or your organisation would like to enter into a sponsorship agreement with us please contact us directly at sponsor@siamaerospace.com for more information. All sponsorship benefits received will go towards running costs of the site.
As a non-profit Site we do not accept paid advertising or other similar material to appear on this site unless it is contributing directly to the running costs of the site. However, we will feature major sponsorships via their own sponsor's page on the site and company logo and LINK in the `Our Sponsors Frame' of our `Home Page'.
Ordinary sponsors will get full accreditation in the `Our Sponsors Frame'.
Editor's Notes & Disclaimer: |
We do try to use `primary' sourced information wherever possible. All attempts are made to check information supplied with `primary' public sources. All public sources are attributed. We accept no responsibility for errors of detail, fact or assertion in any pages of this site.
Opinions, views or judgements made in overview articles are those of the Editor, unless otherwise stated, and are not those of the government agencies or corporations concerned. All opinions, views and judgements are made freely without malice, prejudice or bias and we take no responsibility for decisions of any nature or kind that are made on the basis of any matter, view or data contained in this site.
Copyright Notice:
All rights to this site, its name and contents belong to Ó Siam Aerospace.com 2001. Unauthorised use of any parts of the contents of this site is illegal and contravenes international copyright laws.